More information about record 889783 in the Marriages database
Day Month | 06-Feb |
Year | 1804 |
Parish Circuit Or Chapel | Kew, St. |
Groom Fn | John |
Groom Sn | STROUT |
Groom Age | |
Groom Residence | Endellyon |
Groom Condition | |
Groom Rank Profession | |
Groom Signed / Marked (S/M) | M |
Groom Father Name | |
Groom Father Rank Profession | |
Bride Fn | Susanna |
Bride Sn | PROUT |
Bride Age | |
Bride Residence | otp |
Bride Condition | |
Bride Rank Profession | |
Bride Signed / Marked (S/M) | S |
Bride Father Name | |
Bride Father Rank Profession | |
Banns / Licence (B/L) | B |
Witness Fn1 | John |
Witness Sn1 | Beer |
Witness Fn2 | Willm. Jonn.? |
Witness Sn2 | Worden |
Other Information | banns published 15 Jan, 22 Jan and 29 Jan |
Transcriber Notes | |
Transcriber | Meg Amor |