Cornwall OPC Database
Cornwall OPC
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More information about record 781592 in the Marriages database
Day Month09-Dec
Parish Circuit Or ChapelSouth Petherwin
Groom FnHenry
Groom AgeFull
Groom ResidenceSouth Petherwin
Groom ConditionBachelor
Groom Rank ProfessionEsquire
Groom Signed / Marked (S/M)S
Groom Father NameJames
Groom Father Rank ProfessionCaptain in Royal Navy
Bride FnMary Wilmot Harris
Bride AgeFull
Bride ResidenceSouth Petherwin
Bride ConditionSpinster
Bride Rank Profession
Bride Signed / Marked (S/M)S
Bride Father NameWilliam Arundell Harris
Bride Father Rank ProfessionEsquire
Banns / Licence (B/L)L
Witness Fn1Wm Reinfred Harris
Witness Fn2Frank
Other InformationWit 3: B. Guy Phillips, Wit 4 : Chas Berkeley, Grooms father James BRADSHAW
Transcriber Notes
TranscriberSue Mutton
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