Cornwall OPC Database
Cornwall OPC
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Search Land Records
  • 1799 Land Tax images were generously supplied by Kathleen Lawry
  • 1839 records for St Blazey are Tithe Apportionments
  • 1873 records are from Returns of Owners of Land. For this year, the address of the land owner is given, rather than the parish where the land was located. For extent of land, area is stated in Acres, Roods & Perches. Trees appears to be an abbreviation for Trustees
  • Most records were legible, but a handful weren't
  • Spellings are as found
  • The wildcard (%) is applied by default to the right hand side of some search terms. To obtain more results, keep your search terms to a minimum e.g. to find all variations for Stephen, search for 'St' in the forename field
  • Parish names should be entered as in other searches e.g. 'Juliot, St.' rather than 'St Juliot'. Please note: records for Forrabury & Minster were combined in 1799
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Search for exact surname: By default the search facility adds a wildcard (%) to the end of the surname to return more results. If you want to search for an exact surname, tick this box and the wildcard search will be disabled.
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Include Similar Surnames: Ticking this option will search for any surnames that have a similar sounding name to your search, based on the Soundex algorithm. This only works if the surname you've entered is more than 2 characters. It may also slow down your search.
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Showing 1 to 50 of 70 records found
Proprietor/Owner NameOccupier Name
YearParish Or AddressForenameSurnameForenameSurname Up
1873Bridgerule, HolswortJamesJEWELLmore
1873Bridgerule, HolswortJamesWOODLEYmore
1799BridgerulePaulORCHARD, Esq.LASHTONmore
1799BridgerulePaulORCHARD, Esq.ThosBALHATCHETTmore
1799BridgeruleSTRAFFORD, LordThosBALHATCHETTmore
1799BridgeruleCARPENTER, MissSaml.BANBURYmore
1799BridgeruleAMEY, MissSaml.BANBURYmore
1799BridgeruleWm.MOLESWORTH, SirSaml.BANBURYmore
1799BridgeruleWmBRADDON, Mr.PhilipBATTENmore
1799BridgerulePaulORCHARD, Esq.JosephBINESmore
1799BridgeruleCARPENTER, MissDanl.BOXmore
1799BridgeruleAMEY, MissDanl.BOXmore
1799BridgeruleDUNSTABLE, LordDanl.BOXmore
1799BridgeruleJohnWEBB, Mr.Danl.BOXmore
1799BridgeruleMARTYN, Revd. Mr.SushHEARDmore
1799BridgeruleCARPENTER, MissAndrewHICKSmore
1799BridgeruleAMEY, MissAndrewHICKSmore
1799BridgeruleWm.MOLESWORTH, SirAndrewHICKSmore
1799BridgeruleKINGDON, Revd. Mr.JnoHONEYmore
1799BridgeruleCKINGDON, Mr.HyHOOPERmore
1799BridgeruleWm.MOLESWORTH, SirCKINGDON, Mr.more
1799BridgeruleKINGDON, Revd. Mr.KINGDON, Revd. Mr.more
1799BridgeruleKINGDON, Revd. Mr.KINGDON, Revd. Mr.more
1799BridgeruleDUNSTABLE, LordKINGDON, Revd. Mr.more
1799BridgerulePaulORCHARD, Esq.Chas.KINGDON, Revd. Mr.more
1799BridgeruleCARPENTER, MissRdMILLmore
1799BridgeruleAMEY, MissRdMILLmore
1799BridgeruleCARPENTER, MissEPETHICKmore
1799BridgeruleAMEY, MissEPETHICKmore
1799BridgeruleCARPENTER, MissEPETHICKmore
1799BridgeruleAMEY, MissEPETHICKmore
1799BridgeruleCARPENTER, MissJno.POOLEYmore
1799BridgeruleAMEY, MissJno.POOLEYmore
1799BridgeruleBRADDON, Mr.RdROGERSmore
1799BridgeruleCARPENTER, MissRdROUTLEYmore
1799BridgeruleAMEY, MissRdROUTLEYmore
1799BridgeruleWm.MOLESWORTH, SirSaml.ROWEmore
1799BridgeruleCARPENTER, MissSamlSAMELmore
1799BridgeruleAMEY, MissSamlSAMELmore
1799BridgerulePaulORCHARD, Esq.ThosSHAPTONmore

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Want to help? Have look at our Contributions page. The database is maintained by Gill Hart and Bill O’Reilly but for specific queries relating to
individuals or parishes please contact the appropriate parish OPC.

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